Political Science Semester II Paper I

B.A. (Sem.ll) 
B. A. (Pass/Subsidiary) Second Semester Examination, May - 2019 
(Faculty of Arts) 
Foundation of Political Science 
Paper Code: 2121 (Pass)

Time Allowed: Three Hours 
Maximum Marks : 70 

(1) No supplementary answer hook will be given to any candidate. Hence the candidates should write the answers precisely in the main answer book only. 

(2) All the parts of one question should be answered at one place in the answer book. One complete question should not be answered at different places in the answer book. 

(Attempt all five questions) 
Part I (Question No. 1& 2) is compulsory & part II (Question No. 3, 4 & 5) has internal choice. 


1. Answer all questions. Each question carries 1 mark. 
(Words limit upto 20 words each) 

a) What do you understand by Pressure Group? 

b) Name four political parties of India. 

c) Write two theories of Representation. 

d) Point out any four merits of Democracy. 

e) Point out any two reasons for the decline in the power of Legislature. 

f) Define the concept of Constitutionalism. 

g) Write four characteristics of Anarchism. 

h) Write four principles of Democratic Socialism. 

i) What do you mean by Dialectical Method of Marx. 

j) Define Democracy in the words of Abraham Lincoln. 

2. Answer all the questions. Each question carries 3 marks. 
(Words limit upto 50 words each) 

a) Describe different types of Executive. 

b) Difference between Political Parties and Pressure Groups. 

c) What is Democratic Socialism and name out four proponents of Democratic Socialism. 

d) What is Western concept of Constitutionalism. 

e) Describe means of Democratic Socialism. 


3. What do you understand by "Theory of Representation"? Describe the various theories of minority representation. 


Define Pressure Group. What is the importance of pressure groups in the present day political system. 

Unit -II 

4. What do you understand by Rule of Law? How is this related to constitutionalism.

Describe the main function of Executive. Explain the main reasons for the increase in the power of executive. 

Unit - III 

5. Examine critically Marxian theory of Class Struggle and Surplus Value. 


Describe the salient features of Liberalism. Differentiate between traditional Liberalism and modern Liberalism. 

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