Political Science Semester II Paper II

B.A. (Sem.ll) 
B. A. (Pass/Subsidiary) Second Semester Examination, May 2019 
(Faculty of Arts) 
Representative Indian Political Thought-Il 
Paper Code: 2122 (Pass) 

Time Allowed: Three Hours 
Maximum Marks : 70 

(1) No supplementary answer book will be given to any candidate. Hence the candidates should write the answers precisely in the main answer book only. 

(2) All the parts of one question should be answered at one place in the answer book. One complete question should not be answered at different places in the answer book. 

(Attempt all five questions) 
Part I (Question No. 1& 2) is compulsory & part II (Question No. 3, 4 & 5) has internal choice. 


1. Answer all the questions. Each question carries 1 mark. 
(Words limit upto 20 words each) 

a) Write any three social ideas of Gokhale. 

b) Give four economic ideas of Gokhale. 

c) Mention four-point programme of Tilak. 

d) Name two festivals which were started by Tilak. 

e) What is Gandhian theory of Trusteeship? 

f) Write down the kinds of freedom according to Aurobindo. 

g) Write the names of two books written by Gandhi. 

h) Define the concept of 'Non-Align Movement' as propounded by Nehru. 

i) Write two methods of upliftment of Dalits according to Ambedkar. 

j) What is 'Sarvodaya' according to Jai Prakash Narayan? 

2. Answer all the questions. Each question carries 3 marks.  
(Words limit upto 50 words each) 

a) What was the aim of Gokhale's Political Testament? 

b) Define "Swarajya' according to Tilak. 

c) Point out the main elements of Panchsheel as propounded by Nehru. 

d) Write necessary pre-conditions for the successful functioning of democracy as described by Ambedkar. 

e) Discuss in brief Jai Prakash Narayan's concept of 'Partyless-democracy'. 


3. Evaluate the political ideas of Gokhale. 


Explain Tilak's views on Swadeshi, Boycott and National Education. 

Unit -II 

4. Discuss Gandhi's views on Non-violence. 


Explain Nehru's ideas about Democratic Socialism. 

Unit - III 

5. Discuss Ambedkar's concept of 'Social Justice'. 


Explain the concept of Neo-Humanism of M.N. Roy. 

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