History Semester IV Paper II

B.A. (Sem. IV) 
History (II) 
B. A. (Pass/ Subsidiary) Fourth Semester Examination, May - 2019 
(Faculty of Arts) 
Main Trends in the Cultural History of India-ll 
Paper Code: 4112(Pass)

Time Allowed: Three Hours 
Maximum Marks - 70 

(1) No supplementary answer book will be given to any candidate. Hence the candidates should write the answers precisely in the main answer book only. 

(2) All the parts of one question should be answered at one place in the answer book. 

(Attempt all five questions) 
Part I (Question No. 1& 2) is compulsory & part II (Question No. 3, 4 & 5) has internal choice.


1. Answer all questions. Each question carries 1 mark. 10x1= 10 
(Words limit up to 20 words each) 

a) Name any two statues of Harppan time. 

b) What figures are depicted in the carvings on the Mauryan pillar? 

c) What is the main theme of the Ajanta art? 

d) Write any two salient features of Mathura art. 

e) Who was the architect- of Dilwara temple? 

f) Write the names of any four temples of Dravidian style. 

g) Write the names of four famous 'Stupas'. 

h) Name the types of Indian music. 

i) Name the four sections of 'Aryabhattiyam' written by Aryabhatta. 

j) Who was "Varahmihira"? 

2. Answer all the questions. Each question carries 3 marks. 5x3=15 
(Words limit upto 50 words each) 

Define :

a) Mauryan Pillers 

b) Different styles of Rajput School of paintings. 

c) Bharat's Natyashastra 

d) Charka's contribution to Ayurveda. 

e) Throw light on Chola temple architecture. 

Unit -I 

3. Outline the main characteristics of the architecture and the sculpture of Harppan civilization.  


Write an essay on the Sanchi Stupa. 

Unit -II 

4. Write a note on origin and development of Indian temple architecture. 


Write a brief note on Mughal architecture. 

Unit - III 

5. Give an account of the contributions of Charak' or Sushrut' in the field of Ayurveda. 


Give an account of the contribution of Varahmihira. 

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