History Semester II Paper I

B.A. (Sem.ll) 
B. A. (Pass/ Subsidiary)Second Semester Examination, May - 2019 
(Faculty of Arts) 
History of India-ll (Beginning to 1200 A.D.) 
Paper Code: 2111 (Pass) 

Time Allowed: Three Hours 
Maximum Marks - 70 

(1) No supplementary answer book will he given to any candidate. Hence the candidates should write the answers precisely in the main answer book only. 

(2) All the parts of one question should be answered at one place in the answer book.

 (Attempt all five questions)
 Part I (Question No. 1& 2) is compulsory & part II (Question No. 3, 4 & 5) has internal choice


1. Answer all questions. Each question carries I mark. 
(Words limit upto 20 words each) 

a) What is Junagadh Inscription? 

b) Who was the first Kushan ruler to attack India? 

c) Mention any two compositions written by Ashwaghosh? 

d) What was the Venigar? 

e) Which ruler started "Gupta Samvat"? 

f) Mrichchakatikam drama written by whom? 

g) Who was "Gomund" officer in chalukyan administration.? 

h) Which Pala ruler had assumed the title of Uttarapath Swamin? 

i) Which ruler had constructed the Gangaikonda Cholapuram (Tanjore ki Sangini) temple? 

j) Describe the four sections of the "Siddhanta Siromani". 

2. Answer all the questions. Each question carries 3 marks. 
Words limit upto 50 words each. 

a) Write short notes on Fourth Buddhist Council. 

b) Describe the progress made in the field of astrology and mathematics during the Gupta period. 

c) Describe the provincial administrative units of the Vardhan dynasty. 

d) Explain the main features of Chalukyan governance. 

e) Mention the literary progress of the Chola period. 


3. Describe the achievements of Kushan king Kanishka.

Highlight the development of Post Mauryan art and literature. 

Unit -II 

4. "Samudragupta was a Chakravarti King", review this statement. 


Mention the progress of literature, art and science in the Gupta period. 

Unit - III 

5. Discuss the contribution of the Pallava rulers in the field of art and literature. 


Explain the administrative system of the Cholas in detail. 

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