Economics Semester II Paper II

B.A. / B.Sc. (Sem. II) 
B.A. /B.Sc.(Pass/Subsidiary) Second Semester Examination, May- 2019 
(Faculty of Arts/Science) 
Indian Economy - II 
Paper Code:- 2152 (Arts) 

Maximum Marks - 70 (Arts)  
Time Allowed: Three Hours 

(1) No supplementary answer book will be given to any candidate. Hence the candidates should write the answers precisely in the main answer book only. 

(2) All the parts of one question should be answered at one place in the answer book.

(Attempt all five questions.) 
Part I (Question No. 1& 2) is compulsory & Part II (Question No. 3, 4 & 5) has internal choice.


1. Answer all the questions. Each question carries 1/1.5 mark. 
(Words limit upto 20 words each) 

(a) Write full form of MSME. 

(b) What is meant by New Economic Policy? 

(c) What do you understand by Public Sector? 

(d) Define Disinvestment. 

(e) What is Import Substitution? 

(f) Who is the vice-Chairman of NITI Ayog? 

(g) Define Globalization. 

(h) What is Inflation? 

(i) Which state has the largest geographical area in India? 

(j) What do you understand by Green Revolution?

2. Answer all the questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 
(Words limit up to 50 words each) 

(a) Write any two objectives of New Industrial Policy-1991. 

(b) Write any two problems of Small Scale Industries in India. 

(c) Name the two big Public enterprises of the country. 

(d) Write any two measures which could be adopted for correcting adverse balance of trade of India. 

(e) Write any two measures to reduce income inequality in India. 


3. Discuss the various sources of Industrial Finance in India. 


Discuss the problems of Public Sector Enterprises in India. 


4. Describe the volume, structure and direction of Indian's Foreign Trade. 


Discuss the main objectives of Indian Economic Planning. What are the main failures of Indian Economic Planning? 


5. Discuss the problems of Inflation. 


Discuss the constraints to economic development in Rajasthan and measures to overcome it. 

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