
Meaning and Definition 

Democracy is a very old word but its meanings have always been complex. It came into use in the English language in the sixteenth century, from a translation of 'demokratia' (Greek) and from the root words 'demos' (people) and 'kratos' (rule) their elected representatives (Indirect Democracy or Representative Democracy). The government acts in accordance with the demand of public opinion and for all its work is accountable to the people.
        According to Seeley "Democracy is a government in which everyone has a share, "
        Dicey defines Democracy as "a government in which the governing body is a comparatively large fraction of the entire nation."
        Abraham Lincoln defined Democracy as a "government of the people, by the people, and for the people". It has become a universally popular definition.
        James Bryce, the greatest political scientist of our times, defines Democracy as "Democracy is the rule of the people expressing their sovereign will through the votes. 
        Macpherson says, "Democracy is merely a mechanism for choosing and authorising governments or in some other way getting laws and political decisions made." 
      According to C.F. Strong, "By Democracy, we mean a system of government in which the majority of the grown up members of a political community participate through a method of representation which ensures that the government is ultimately responsible for its actions to that majority. Thus representative Democracy guarantees popular sovereignty upon which the constitutional state must necessarily be based." 
        Giddings regards Democracy as not merely a form of government, but also a form of state.
         F.G Wilson refers to it as a social philosophy. 
      "A Democratic state", according to Hearnshaw is "one in which the community as whole possesses supreme authority and maintains ulÈ›imate control over affairs": 
       Bryce while defining Democracy observes, "The word democracy has been used ever since the times of Herodotus to denote that form of government in which the ruling power of the state is 'largely vested not in any particular class or classes but in the members of the community as a whole."


 What is democracy? 
Ans.: When the ultimate sovereignty is vested in the people who have the right to change the government and have active participation in the final formulation of policies is democracy.

 Democracy is made up of which Greek word and what is the meaning of it? 
 Ans.: The word 'democracy' is derived from Greek words Demos' and Kratia' which respectively mean 'people and power' Democracy thus means power of the people.

 Write Abraham Lincoln's definition of democracy. 
 Ans.: According to Abraham Lincoln, "Democracy is a form of government of the people for the people, and by the people." 

Write two kinds of democracy. 
 Ans.: Two kinds of democracy are (i) Direct democracy in which the people directly participate in their own affairs; and (ii) Indirect democracy in which the will of the state is formulated and expressed by the representatives of the people to whom they delegate the power of deliberation and decision -  making. 

What is democratic state? 
 Ans.: A democratic state is one in which ultimate sovereignty is vested in the people who have a right to change the government and have active participation in the final formulation of policies 

What is a democratic government? 
Ans.: A democratic government is one in which the majority party governs and continues to governs as long as the people express confidence in it. In this form of government every citizen has a share in the formation of government. 

Write any four obstacles to Indian-democracy? 
The obstacles are: (i) Problem of regionalism, casteism, communalism; (ii) Problems of secessionism and terrorism, (iii) Lack of democratic traditions, and (iv) Illiteracy, poverty and unemployment. 

What is social democracy? 
Ans.: The main characteristic of social democracy is the feeling of social equality. It means no distinction should be made between persons on the basis of color, caste, religion, language, sex, money, place of birth etc. All should be treated as equal. 

What is moral democracy? 
Ans.: Democracy is a moral ideal, which can be realized only by leading a spiritual life. One aspect of it is an all round development of human personality. 

What are the three inter related meanings of democracy as a concept of democracy? 
Ans.: The three interrelated meanings are : (i) A means of decision-making, (ii) A group of decision making principles, and (iii) An ethical value system.

 Write any two principal assumptions of democracy? 
Ans.: The two principal assumptions are: (i) Sovereignty resides in masses, and (ii) Government is based on the consent of people.

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